Not even a week after this twat tried to convince people alcohol was not an integral part of darts, he doubled down on his predictability and showed yet again the favouritsim  towards certain players in the selection for the Glorified Invitation Roadshow also known as the Premier League. Even before the selection was made we all knew the line up and even predicted it before the announcement

So back in 2021 Rob Cross won the European championships, and whilst not one of the big top 4 majors, it was still a TV title, and a ranking one at that, but it was deemed not important enough for it to get Cross selected for the Premier League, that would follow only a couple of months later.

The following year in 2022 Ross Smith won the same European Championships and again it was deemed not important enough for Smudger to be selected for the  Premier League. 

In 2023 Peter Wright did noting all year, bombed out early in the world Champs throwing absolute muck with multiple sets of darts, the only event he had luck in was winning the European Championships, now suddenly this comp can be used as validation for the selection of the middle aged potbellied weirdo who dresses like a spaz. 

Seriously how can anyone consider this Glorified Invitational Roadshow as a Major. ? Not only is it non ranking, but they systematically leave out players vastly better than the likes of Krusty, who are in better form and going the right direction as opposed to Krusty who is dropping like a stone in the rankings. If dressing up like one of the pissheads that populate the crowd at ally Pally or acting like a full blown idiot is the criteria, , then no one with a modicum of intelligence would consider it a major.

It might have major exposure, major prize money for the players who are part of the "Twat Porter clique" bot not a Major. I bet Dobey and others will not be happy with the selection and rightly so.


Another reason for Twat Porter in winning the KotW is the list of people in the Hall of Fame. I believe the latest induction is Russ Bray, and I certainly do not begrudge him his place, a great servant of the game, but there would be no PDC let alone a PDC Hall of Fame. were it not for those players that broke away from the BDO back in the early 90s.. There was initially 16 players, 2 of which were judas cunts with no backbone, who went scurrying back to rim Olly Croft. The PDC, then the WDC  formed with those 14 players, and 3 managers of Tommy Cox , Dick Allix and john Markovic. These 17 people  were ostracized  from the game, some threatened legally, financially and even physically. They held firm and even put their own money in to the WDC. Shortly afterwards, 7 American players, Irishman Tom Kirby. and 2 English players Graeme Stoddert & Kevin burrows also told the BDO/WDF governing body to go fuck themselves and those 24 were the field for the 1994 World championships.

2 of those initial 3 managers are in the Hall of Fame, in Allix and Cox.
Of the 14 players only 5 of them are in the Hall of Fame.
Twat Porter and Barry Hearn basically saying fuck you to those other 9, of Jocky Wilson, Bob Anderson,Alan Warriner , Peter Evison, Jamie Harvey, Richie Gardiner, Kevin Spiolek, Cliff Lazarenko, and Keith Deller, 

To put things in to perspective, the same cunt Barry Hearn who leaves out those players put himself in it, what sort of ego does one have to have to put yourself in before those others ?
The same cunt who once ran a England versus Scotland comp which was supposedly a tribute to Jocky Wilson but will not even put him in the Hall of Fame.
Even the attention whore Keith Deller, a former world champion has got recognized by the parasitic royal family and was awarded an MBE but the organisation he and others founded will not put him in their Hall of Fame, which would not exist without these players.
When those 17 people stood firm, and gave everything up to form the WDC, the BDO carried on and in 1994 John Part won at Lakeshite. Even John Part who played for the so called "rivals" is in the Hall of Fame. Let  this sink in, Shaky Dave Clark is in but Jocky Wilson is not. Former world champion Bob Anderson is not in but a useless commentator in John Gwynne is.
Tell me again how their is no favoritism in the PDC.


A very enjoyable event, and whilst I thought Humphries would not win it prior to the event, I was glad he did in the end. Humphries did make a comment prior to the final which was absolutely retarded, he spoke how he was now the world #1, and he wont always be, but if he won the world championships he would be world champion forever. No you stupid cunt, like the #1 spot, once you lose it you will be a former world champion, just like a former world #1.
 I believe it was the most viewed final ever, and most of that probably down to the media attention of Luke Littler. Even here in Ireland I heard people discuss him in pubs, even my mother in law mentioned him to me, and it made local radio stations, such was the hype and media attention around him. Yes it great publicity for the game of darts, and yes I said game, not sport.
In one interview Luke Littler spoke of buying more Vapes !! Twat Porter wants to create an image of this game being a sport and they have a kid who is vastly overweight prone to heart disease, rabbit on about lashing Kebabs down his throat in interviews and promos, now talking about Vapes, hardly the image of a  Sports star is it ? As for the kid, what a talent, raking in that money, no surprise there is a woman clinging of him, and I say a woman as she is 21 years old. Imagine if the roles were reversed and that was some man at 21 sponging of a 16 year old girl, the term nonce and pedo would be bandied about and you know the cancel culture brigade would be all over it like flies on shit.

That insufferable prick Wayne Mardle after the final told us how Luke Humphries was feeling becoming world champion. How would that jobber cunt know ? I swear to all that is fucking holy, he irritates the fuck out of me, so much when he is on the panel or comms I turn the audio off almost all the time.
Dan Dawson prior to Gary Anderson's game told us that "Anderson has been the stand out player in darts this year.", There was me thinking Luke Humphries who prior to the Worlds won 3 big TV titles was the stand out player, seems Dawson thinks a moody jock who won nothing and missed a load of events was the standout player, go figure.

Yes it should read boses instead of boes, but I have to make some spelling errors every week so those who moan incessantly about my blog but read it regardless, will have something to deflect with. As for the BBC,what do you expect from a channel that protected people like Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris, both people who also had their pictures hanging proudly in Bob Potter's Lakeshite bar for long after their outing and conviction.

Speaking of Lakeshite, here are the final averages of the WDF amateur event, and the PDC world championship....some disparity eh ?


Next up is the PDC Qualify Schools. Normally there would usually be a few players that i would watch out for, like Corey Cadby who showed his ability in events prior but his scumbag behavior most likely cost him getting a visa. This year outside a few players that lost theirs , who I would not mind seeing get them back, although they probably won't do much again, there is nobody that really stands out, as all focus these day will be on both Luke's, how MvG and Price respond, can or will Wright, Ando and Wade improve.

There is certainly a changing of the guard, I think Babs, Jose and others are going the right direction for me and that's downwards. That said the worlds prize money vastly impacts the Oder of merit, and whilst the first half of the year up to the Matchplay outside the UK open, is pretty minor there will be lots of floor events, it will be interesting to see who comes back fighting and how many people had a good worlds can maintain it.







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