In the decades I have been watching the game I never have seen such a bunch of softer cunts in my life than not only the players, but the so called journalists, I say so called as how many of them actually have a journalism degree or studied it in college, ? Basically glorified fan boys sucking up to the most mentally frail players to even dilute the game at the top end.

This week we had the little short mentally fragile taffy whiner Price bemoan the fans yet again and claim he was going to boycott the world championships. Remember this is a player who won the bulk of his TV titles in empty arenas during covid and takes to instagram to cry the minute he leaves the stage after a defeat. I am convinced he believes if he makes the idle threats he thinks fans will get worried and suddenly cheer him like he was using some emotional blackmail. I like him as a player, but he can fuck off for all I care if he is doing his little spoiled brat and hurt feelings routine. The problem is he made a fortune winning events in empty arenas where now he could afford to skip a event if he wanted to as he did in many euro tours.
Look at James Wade, he made 120k in a 50 day spell prior to the worlds and rocks up unprepared and unmotivated, in his pre match interview he cared more about xmas with his kids and said he hardly practiced, a shit attitude for a player hat once used to seem to give a shit so he rightfully paid the price.
He is not alone, take the physically weak looking Pietrezko who proved he is also mentally weak and thick as pig shit. In an interview with Bild this week he claimed that he is threatening to boycott the public again if a similar reception awaits him against Suzuki in the World Championships. ''If they don't want to see me, then I don't understand why I have to accept such disrespectful things. It is absurd,'' The German, however, hopes it doesn't have to come to that. Pietreczko, on the contrary, is usually known as a joker on stage. ''I just want to be myself on stage,'' 'Pikachu' said.

This  ignorant prick has no problem when the non Germans get booed in the many many competitions held in Germany, and one day he gets a spot of jeering and crumbles and now another threatening to boyott. What is he going to do ?
Nothing, he has to learn to accept it or fuck off, as the crowd wont change. Does he think the PDC are going to drive away the tens of thousands that attend the TV events because one mentally weak hun cunt had his little feelings hurt.
You only have to look at Gary Anderson, another only a few chants away from throwing a hissyfit. Remember Adrian Lewis storing off stage when Peter Manley upset him ?
As I said I never seen so many mentally fragile players. Look at the shit the likes of Manley, Hamilton, and countless others got, or how in the early years every opponent of Phil Taylor, in a lot of cases James Wade would get booed endlessly. By the end even Taylor was getting jeers and then he had a cry about it, yet never had an issue when his opponents for years were getting booed, its part and parcel of the game, most players just get on with it

Of course when the players cry like fucking faggots how they don't like booing, there is no shortage of nodding suck up cunts ready to kiss arse,none more so than the likes of Phil Hippo Barrs who is an absolute embarrassment to the game. Here is a guy who interviews players and never asks he most obvious questions, avns avoids any sort of touchy subject out of fear he wont get another interview and instead comes up with the most retarded questions or statements possible.
In one interview with Matt Campbell after another stupid question even Matt had to ask him  "how long are you doing this ?". In his interview with Jim Williams , Barrs told Williams "it was a hard fought victory", Jim gave him a look as to say you fucking imbecile, and corrected him and told him he won 9 legs in a row.
Williams whitewashed his opponent, did not drop a leg, and was told by this obese clown it was a hard fought victory.

As for the darts Pinocchio lost as expected first round yet again, and had the exact same average as her boyfriend Menzies had in his lowest average of the 2 games he played, so its official, Pinocchio is not even the best player in her own household. I laughed like a total cunt when she had multiple darts to level the game 2-2 in sets and after missing a set dart, returned and bust the double 8, and then to compound it Wattimena took out 110 to break and saw out the match. It was the silence of the crowd, Mardle almost crying and Sky seething now the munter was out which all contributed to its hilarity. Some people are so brainwashed they actually thought she would win, let that sink in, prior to this world Champs Pinocchio played 160 games in the PDC and did not break the 90 barrier in 124 of them. In fact she has racked up far more averages in the 70s and even 60s than she has in the 90s, but why let the truth get in the way of the Sky and PDC woke agenda.
Take a look at this for mental illness from "Journalist" Jack Otway of GB News

I saw some complain about Jeffrey De Graaf who now claims to be Swedish, and using that to qualify for Ally Pally, but if a Man can put on a bra and pretend to be a woman, then why cant a Dutchie pretend to be Swedish. We also got a TV appearance by Ian White, in front of a camera so we knew what that meant. I don't know if Sky showed the promo of White where we were told how he "thrives under pressure".
I was delighted to see that ugly cheating cunt Wessel Nijman get turfed out even if it meant Beaton winning, the cheating cunt should have received a life time ban, the only assholes that don't agree seem to be mostly Dutch simpletons.
Mikuru Suzuki was sent packing with an average in the 70s, not bad for girl from a country where they only open their eyes 40%. Luckily for the PDC and Sky with both of the "out of their depth munters" sent packing, Luke Littler stepped up, and has given them something to repeatedly hype.
Littler is only 16 but looks like he is in his 40s, did he take over Wayne Rooneys paper round, another former kid who looked like he had progeria.
Littler reminds me of Phil Taylor, constant name dropping, repeating himself over and over, short, squat and common and has the fat gene. I saw one mutant compare him to Taylor, Bristow and MvG even though the kid has done nothing of note, that is how simple some people are, they believe any hype Sky will spout. Remember how we were told Aaron Monk and James Hubbard were future world champions ? Last year it was Josh Rock, Littler is a good prospect but that is all he is until he wins majors, and until his haul of majors are in double figures, he should not be put in the same bracket as Taylor, Bristow and MvG
Peter Wright has a gimmick, I get it, but he looked like a fucking spastic, the guy is 53 and it does not come across as festive nor fun but as a sad ageing man trying to make all the talk about his get up instead of his shit form. He kept changing his darts and lost comprehensively to a player who was averaging in the 80s for the majority of the match. Krusty averaged 83 and only won 4 legs in the entire match. I had thought of awarding him Knob of the Week, but was it really a shock he lost considering his form and attitude recently ? Dirk van Duijvenbode,Danny Noppert, Jose de Sousa and Andrew Gilding are other seeds that joined Krusty and Wade going out early.
I get that Boris Krcmar is a big lad, but I got really really tired of hearing comms go on and on how they would not cross him, as if most people gave a tupenny shit how big a lad is. As for this Ally Pally wasp, do these cunts this is the same wasp for the last decade.  had to have audio off for most matches as the commentary overall was appalling, the panel just a horrendous with munters spouting nonsense. Isn't it some coincidence dirks shoulder injury is only mentioned when he loses, seemed nothing wrong when he was near 110 average in the first set. Like how the crowd is only an issue when Price loses, never he he wins, or Merv kings back gets worse when he falls behind but when it front never an issue.

As for the averages, I predicted during Lakeshite that the highest WDF average would be beaten on the first day and it was, TWICE, here are PDC averages so far in comparison to the final WDF averages, even a brief glance shows the difference in standard so far, and the 2nd round is not even complete

Lastly, we all know, or at least those of us unfortunate to be aware of Tommy Thompson know this cunt is a deranged fossil of the game with an IQ is single digits. He Was crying again this week and posted this.

In Tommy's warped delusional state he thinks somehow his 2 bit organisation is responsible for the success of certain players. In reality any player that goes on to win things in the professional game do so because of their own ability, mental strength, dedication etc. By Tommy's logic somehow his back street prehistoric insignificant meaningless clusterfuck is responsible, go figure, by that reasoning every player that bombs or becomes disillusioned with the game, or fed up playing for peanuts etc is the fault of England darts. If you try take the credit for the success of former players, you have to take responsibility for those thousands that fail, you cannot have it both ways. If Tommy defense is "but player X had talent", then they would have succeeded regardless of England darts. The geriatric walking corpse is an embarrassment to the game.

If anyone has a problem with my spelling, grammar, attitude, or whatever tough shit, I am off to bed after a load of drink after a night out with my wife, so whilst ye whine away moaning, crying on social media, I will be just having fun.

that alone should be enough to upset the cornholers, the brainwashed, the inbred, the flids, ...oh wait, I could have just said mushrooms and the covers all genres of those mutant throwbacks

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