The award this week was initially going to be that prick Twat Porter but he was pipped at the post..step forward the former World champion, here is a guy who has done nothing of note in 12 months.Remember the same guy that was hyped for OVER A DECADE, before he finally won a tv title. When he won the Worlds that lump of human shit wrapped in skin Wayne Mardle told us how the floodgates would open.
The fat cunt has done nothing of note this year, he has in fact regressed, and blames everyone else for his failings, an even if he wins an odd game he still has an issue with his opponent. As a former World Champion has there ever been a worse defending Champion ? He did not just lose defending his title, he got raped 4-0. The only player I can think of that could possibly come close is John Part back in 2008, and even then they had prime Taylor, Barney and Wade and less TV titles than they do now and spent most of his time traveling home to Canada
The Bellyboy supporters can put whatever spin they like on this, his reign as champion was a joke, his relinquishing of the title also a joke and typical of him, and all that is left is to see what excuse he comes up with, or who he blames this time.  A miserable fat entitled cunt, who had issues with everyone, I seriously hopes that is the end of sky's expectations, but I doubt it.


This week he spoke with PA, a German News Agency and spouted this bullshit

I get how he in his position wants to distance the game from alcohol to a certain degree, and how it is important for him for the PDC to create a good image.... but to make these retarded claims about drink is ridiculous. Yes we know the average PDC is a moron who will swallow any shit the PDC will sell. Firstly darts is not a sport, and just because UK sport says it is does not mean that other countries accept it is. Twat Porter would have you believe alcohol plays no part in the game. That makes him either a retarded, or he is lying. Either way, its not a good look.
This is a game where multiple players drank themselves to death like Jocky Wilson, Alan Evans and Andy Fordham. Has twat Porter looked around his leisure center at the obese and potbellied players ?
Has he not seen the gut on some of these players like Bellyboy, MvG , Wade, Krusty, Bunting etc. How can anyone forget Mickey Mansell's interview from last year. Last night Darryl Gurney who was clearly pissed was kissing speed jobber Ricky Evans on the lips. Evans is another that is getting larger every week. I know most players are not the most educated, let alone eloquent in expressing themselves, but it is obvious when some are clearly drunk. I have no problem if a player is pissed, but to try convince the viewer alcohol is not an issue is a joke. I loved how Scott Williams took a dig at Twat tonight.

Alcohol is not the only thing the PDC should be concerned about if they are worried about image.
The Wednesday evening session consisted of 3 obese cunts, MvG, Bellyboy and Littler. Luke Littler is almost as wide as he is tall, here is a kid already well on his way to heart disease, and they think its funny how he is horsing down kebab after kebab and this is something to promote ? Wednesday night was embarrassing for the PDC in terms of its image. Where was suck up Twat Porter trying to improve the obesity image in the PDC ? Remember how young looking MvG was at 16.? Look at him now at only 34.  Look at LukeL Littler at 16, so you can only imagine what condition he will be in, if he lives that long. Then here is Bellyboy who thinks growing a beard will somehow hide his folds of fat on his face, he got more chins that a Chinese phonebook. All 3 of them clearly overweight,  how can anyone that young allow themselves to be that fat ? Yes I said Allow. No one goes to bed a normal person and wakes up obese, this happens over time, and if you allow that to happen to yourself over weeks or months or even years then you have mental issues, a lazy attitude and a serious problem and obviously no shame or self pride. What normal person would allow themselves get in that shape ? If I was Twat Porter I would be more worried about the players stuffing themselves with food and where half of the tour card holders look pregnant such are their bellies.  How long before one drops dead on TV under the hot bright lights ? Or maybe after a long day in a leisure center ? As the volume of pints, greasy food and bad lifestyle takes it toll.


Sky will hype the likes of Bellyboy, who took ten years to win a TV title, hype and favour Chizzy who has never won an event, but disregard players who have actually won TV titles like James Wade, Ross Smith, Andrew Gilding and even Rob Cross and always seem to shove them in afternoon sessions. The same Rob Cross who is not only a multiple major winner, but a former World Champion who destroyed Phil Taylor in a final. The same Phil Taylor that made MvG cry like a bitch on TV multiple times. It is quite clear in the PDC under Twat Porter, that tournament wins mean nothing when it comes to their favoritism. Why else do certain players get prime slots regardless of who they play, and others not in their clique relegated to afternoons.
You only have to look at that glorified exbo that is the Premier League to see how winning competitions are less important than being in the clique. Cross, Ross Smith, and Gilding are just 3 examples of players that won a tv comp and were left out of the following PL.
Look at the shit efforts by Bellyboy, Peter Wright and Gerwyn Price this comp, do you seriously think Twat Porter is going to leave those 3 of his favorites out of the PL ? He is going to upset a lot of fanboys this year. Not that I really care as I don't give a fuck about the Premier League, Twat Porter can give his favorites their extra pay days whilst alienating other players, use the exbo to build up their coffers to then spend the profit on the munters game in a unisex code, and give the so called darts fans the chance to dress up like spastics and cover each other in piss, spit, sweat and lager all whilst chanting idiotic songs and ignoring the action on the oche whilst they harass staff and look for fights, whilst comms try convince viewers this non ranking invitational is "A Major. I get that too, milk the fuckers, make the money of them, but just remember , not everyone is gullible enough to believe all the shit they spout. In the end, Twat Porter can tell you any bullshit he makes up, how darts is a Sport not a game, how players don't drink, how the Munters are as good as the Men, Thunder Thighs Turner is worthy of a spot on any panel, how the PL is a Major, it does not matter, as fools will always believe what they are told and wont question anything. It is those fools that Twat Porter is hoping to persuade.

I said on a forum on Tuesday, that Wednesdays and Thursdays afternoon sessions would be decent, it was obvious to anyone who is a viewer of this game. Sadly however the Wednesday evening session looked like shit, and would be 3 fat cunts romping home against jobbers lucky to get that far, and would be surprised if every game did not finish 4-0 or 4-1 and I had no intention of watching that session and gave it a skip.
Sure enough both afternoon sessions were brilliant, which I enjoyed and the evening session were all walkovers which I thankfully missed.
I was told on one forum that MvG, Bellyboy etc romping home against jobbers "was exciting", and seemingly entertainment value was based on a players position in the order of merit.
I was then told by the same person that Ross Smith and Chris Dobey were "boring", this whilst both players were averaging 107 in the fifth set, with maximums in double figures. On Friday when Heta and Van Peer went all 7 sets the same poster was moaning about it being a "plodathon" and complained about a game going that long. It makes me wonder why would someone watch something they obviously hate. At least with Lakeshite its unintentionally funny, if I do not like something I switch it off., like  do almost all MvG matches

The levels of hype, bullshit etc hit the usual high levels as always with the PDC this week
For example Sky comms kissed the obese hole of Bunting and his ton plus average over Florian Hempel in a game that went 4 sets. They kissed the obese hole of MvG who also had a ton average in a 4-0 set win. Yet Cross averaged more than Bunting and MvG and did it over 6 sets instead of 4 and did not get the same level of respect hype etc.Then he is not in the clique.
When Price went out deservedly to Brendan Dolan and killed Sky's hope of an Ando & Price match you could hear the disappointment in their voices. It always pleases me when so called journalists or comms who are suppose to be impartial sound so upset when their clear favorites get turfed out.
Had to laugh at how comms told us about Luke Humphries fighting ability. The German Pietreczko had darts to break and go 2 legs up and throw for a 4-1 set win, he completely shat himself, his average dropped like a stone and only then Scumphries came back, it was more the German shitting himself than Scumphries "fighting".
Then there was Sky apologizing to viewers because Scott Williams mentioned 2 wars and a world Cup and only proved why again I fucking despise those cunts at Sky and will never ever pay them a penny again.

So far with only 2 matches of the 4th round played, there has been 13 ton plus averages.
The highest average for the entire Lakeshite has been bettered 24 times already.
As for 95 plus averages, the WDF had TWO...the PDC has had FORTY THREE so far.
Even a simple glimpse at this list of averages shows the gulf

As for who I would like to see win the competition, I could not care, but it wold be funny if Ando won it, after his multiple interviews where he claimed he would not do the PL even if he was asked. Would Ando be a man of his word or will he bend over for Twat Porter as quick as Huw Ware would.

Chris Dobey has been the best player of the competition,fuck off with your bunting, MvG and Littler nonsense. Dobey is the only player to average to hit 3 ton plus averages....will  he be able to maintain it ?

Would not mind Rob Cross, winning it, if only to alienate Twat Porter as Cross is not part of the Sky clique. 

I like Chizzy but we all know he will fold sadly. I would like to be proven wrong.

Since so many people cannot remember who won world titles in darts, here is the full list of World Champions

and lastly to finish, Twat Porter wants to improve the games image, yet look at his pic below and tell me how this does not scream chav.


Gary Anderson, never one to shy away from  moan did an interview tonight  in the media complaining about...wait for it...the media.  Maybe the moaning fucker was contractually obliged to speak to them, who knows. 

That said it is hardly surprising the media would be all over Luke Littler, the PDC crave that, and wont like Ando rocking the boat


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