The WDF  hilariously entitled "World championships"  was a complete dismal affair, how this org can call this a World championships is a complete joke an an embarrassment to the game.

I tweeted this tonight

But this was not a surprise to most people as I asked almost a week ago on twitter how long it would take for the highest average at Bobs Salmonella Center to be beaten. In the poll  gave 3 options not realizing the first day only had one session, and of the time of writing almost 93% off those that voted  believed the highest Lakeshite average, which was 97 which was gotten by Dennis Nilsson would be beaten in the first day

Poll Here: POLL

 That said congratulations Andy Baetens a player ranked #176 in the PDC on winning the December Debacle, who now heads to Q-school. The Mushrooms will be sweating, cos if the WDF winner fails to get a card I will laugh and be sure to remind them on a regular basis.


 It never ceases to amaze me how a vast  share of  the people who read this blog or my tweets will go out of their way to lie about it. For example this week after I posted Deta Hedmans statement almost 12 hours after she made it, no one mentioned it until I did.
One disfigured brummie abortion survivor who has a history of being a complete liar claimed he knew all along before me and saw on Deta's facebook at 7am, yet amazingly he never posted it until hours after I tweeted it, and the same liar even "liked" my post. The reason being like so many others they do not want to admit they read this blog or my tweets.
On one forum where I have not made a post in over 6 years, I am discussed on a daily basis and one new member on there has been accused of being me such is how I live in their heads.hat is not the first new member they had that was accused.
Another is this notion and myth of how I was "banned from every forum", yet be it DF, or TSod before each closed I was not banned, nor am I banned on TDF, but then the truth would get in the way of the agenda  of those I have no difficulty in upsetting.
Even during the WDF clusterfuck there were people calling for me to be banned for posting actual statistics.
My favorite one is when you laugh at the atrocious standard and some inbred simpleton will chuck out the response like "I bet they are better than you at darts". This type of answer always makes me laugh, by that logic no one could ever criticize Lionel Messi in football for example, because we are not as good, we could not comment on anything on any player in top level sport. Imagine on a football stream posting the scores or stats, actual facts and fans crying they want you banned ? No one without a formula one car in the garage could comment on F1. That is how it is in darts for some cretins who think you cannot critique what you are watching as a viewer. This is the mentality of these people.

There is no other game where not only the fans but the players themselves are the most childlike and defensive when it comes to social media. You only had to see how the likes of the World Seniors Darts, Wayne Mardle, Paul Nicholson and dozens of people in darts have me blocked even though I never tagged them in a tweet. Afraid of people like me who would tell the the truth no holds barred. Take Gerwyn Price, he is hardly off the stage a minute after a defeat crying about fans on social media, then complains on the very same social media about people on social media. Similarly he thanks the fans when he wins, blames them when he loses.
I grew up watching Bristow mentally break people, most remember Bristow after he quit how he used social media to wind up the BDO and its fans, could you imagine if twitter was around during Bristows prime ? Could you imagine how many people he could mentally break or the sheer volume of tears from soft modern players ?
Could you imagine his comments on bra-man Victor Monghan and fellow he-she Noel Lynn. I guess we wont have long more to go before Sky and the PDC do some ass kissing of Bristow during the real world championships conveniently ignoring how they sacked him.


Bellyboy tried all he could to avoid answering the question why he has done nothing of note this entire year, and claimed he has a new hunger. Obese cunt looks like he has always been hungry.
On the WDF stream Stowe Buntz mrs turned up and numerous people were kissing her hole, I said he was vastly over rated and a lesser player than Lauby, and Gates, and it started the suck ups crying, his performance tonight solidified that point.
Pinocchio Sherrock seems to have a thing for boyfriends suffering from autism, however I like Menzies even if he looks like a begging crusty, he scores well, throws at a good pace, and enjoyable on the mic. Will be funny when Pinocchios kid some day asks the mother "mommy are you a great darts player", and Menzies can interrupt and say "she is not even the best player in this house".
Speaking of players that look like homeless bums, we then got Simon Shitlock. His opponent Nebrida who looked around 50 was so slow he made the plodding Aussie seem like Ricky Evans, and Shitlock needing 50 bust his score with his first dart hitting treble 18, it cost him the leg and ultimately the first set, and Nebrida even missed a dart to go 2 sets up, but when Shitlock leveled and seemed there was only gonna be one winner,but Nebrida took the 4th set and threw for the win and went a leg up with a 12 darter. Sadly Shitlock woke up and rattled off the next 2 legs and then throwing for the win missed 4 match darts, but Nebrida missed 6 darts to take it to a last leg decider, and Shitlock wrapped it up.

Belly boy who ran his fat mouth earlier won the first set as comms rimmed his obese hole, but Doets won the next 2 sets and the upset I hoped for was on. Sadly Bellyboy took the fourth set and the Dutchie had run his race when Obese Bellyboy broke with a 142. I did not think it possible Mardle could climb up a players hole as much as he did in the game.Bellyboy could afford to miss 5 match darts, before wrapping it up. I hope the next time Mardle claim he cannot speak it is throat cancer and terminal.

We got countless showings on the 9 darter from last years final and told repeatedly it was "the greatest leg ever". Except that is not true, it did not win the match like Willie Borland's one did at a world championship, if we are speaking statistically it was not the best leg either, as a leg this year that I witnessed from the German super League also had 2 players hit 6 perfect darts, and the player throwing first took out the finish, so statistically it was better as there was no missed dart and the combined average was higher. This notion that sky can dictate it was the greatest leg ever and somehow everyone must believe it is just another in a long long list of nonsense spewed by these cunts that people simply seem to just accept. It is up there with comments like "the floodgates will open" for Bellyboy, or my all time favorite the Ian White promo where we were told how he "thrives under pressure" Tonight Mardle claimed Kevin Doets was "world class" for keeping pace with Bellyboy...Doets, the World #60.

Also tonight we were reminded of all the women that played in the PDC world championships ( not counting the PDC womens World championships won by Stacy Bromberg), and they left out the first woman Gayle king.

But this was hardly surprising, Sky and the PDC always show disregard to those players who stood by the PDC, then the WDC after the split. Look how many of those players who broke away from the BDO , faced financial ruin, were treated like dirt, banned from other competitions etc, look how many of those players are still not even in the PDC Hall of Fame, yet useless commentators have got in. It may not mean anything financially but its the lack of respect  to those that without their spirit the PDC would not exist.It is the least they could do to honour those that made this thing possible in the first place.



As for Deta's statement , I agree with almost entirely, except for the part where she say trannies should not be allowed in Women's ranked events, they should not be allowed in any women's events ranked or not, the clue is in the name Women. As much as I slate the WDF, they clearly define what their titles represent in terms of gender, the Men's title, self explanatory, likewise the Women's title. Mentally ill men in bras, are still biologically male that is a fact and should be in the Men's events.

I would have no problem with he-shes playing  in the PDC as Barry Hearn stated numerous times on TV that the PDC is Unisex. Men and women can go to Q-school, both genders can play Challenge tour and Development tour, all the qualifying tours like the Asian qualifier, West Europe etc are open to both genders. This is why the PDC munter Series is a contradiction. How can an org, that has multiple tours based in the UK, hold countless events around the globe, open to both genders because they are Unisex have a code that forbids one gender. like the Munter Series.

Here is another thought, supposing the HoneyMonster Greaves and Pinocchio Sherrock both won tour cards, would the PDC be happy ?

Firstly would those minor few that watch the Munter Series as is tune in without Greaves and Sherrock ? Would Anca Zilstra and he- she Noel Lynn get viewers ?

Secondly what if Greaves and Sherrock got battered on the main tour and failed to qualify for TV events ? Would they be allowed to return to the Munter Series and double dip in order to get extra chances to qualify for events ? That would also be gender bias. If people do not want trannies in the WDF Women's game, why should there be trannies in the PDC munter Series if its just for women.

And for anyone who cries how I am anti trans, or don't accept these people as women, they are not, they are men and that is not hate speech, it is speech you hate, a subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless. There is a thing called biology and no agenda, will alter that.



Lastly, the Admin on a darts forum I post on asked me to post the link to the forum as they will take in new members due to the paranoia of another forum where every new member is accused of being a multiple, a former banned member, or being me. for the record I am not the owner, not admin nor mod, and if you want to join and have difficulty contact me on twitter

If you are easily offended I suggest you don't other joining DARTS FORUM

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