No surprise the WDF wins Knob of the Week, but here is the thing, its not for the reasons people think it is.
Former multiple Womens champion Anastasia Dobromyslova was banned from entering WDF competitions and qualifying for this clusterfuck of an event. The reason given for her unfair ban was because she was Russian,as somehow Russia are evil, yet the Ukranian cunt Zelensky just bought a £75 million yacht, and has his grubby hand out begging other nations whilst their male population, without a set of balls all decided to fuck off to Ireland and rape the social welfare system instead of fighting.
Anastasia being Russian was unfairly punished bcause of the actions of Putin, yet Anastasia has been living and working in the UK for many many years.
It is quite straight forward, in the WDF there is a Mens game and a Womens game. Biological men should be in the...wait for it...Mens game.
Yet  a man was allowed play in the Womens events and qualified for the clusterfuck event. How is that fair ? I know some sites  claimed players are upset, and rightly so, but everyone that has complained on the sites and forums discussing this, no one has addressed this.

If Anastasia is banned because of what is written on her birthcert, (place of birth: Russia) then how come the a tranny was not banned based on their birthcert ? His birthcert identifies him, as in biological male.  His birthcert make him ineligible then surely. If they can disregard his, why not disregard Anastasia's ?
Here is another thing that has not been mentioned, if Victor  can simply "identify" as something he is not and play in the WDF, why can't Anastasia who now identifies as European, and not Russian, play. Which is more believable ? Anastasia as a European woman or Victor as a woman.

Anastasia was denied the right to qualify an earn a spot to play in a competition than is held in the country she lives, in the country she pays taxes in, in the country where her kids were born and even has a British passport in for over a decade....that is discrimination no matter how it is spun. Let this sink in, Men can play in a womens event by putting on a bra,and their birthcert ignored but a genuine real woman's birthcert is not ignored. The WDF cunts should be fucking ashamed of themselves for their treatment of Anastasia. Personally I think she should sue them. The WDF who claim to follow the IOC rules which allow players play under a neutral flag are deliberately being ignored by the WDF and they are stopping her play. The sports minister in the UK got involved, and because officially the WDF is not based in the UK and is NOT professional, it complicates things, hence why the PDC which is both Professional and UK based allow players play under a Neutral flag in their system.
But when it comes to Trannies, the WDF will band over backwards to take it in the ass quicker than Huw Ware whilst treating a former world Champion and real woman like dirt. Absolute disgrace.

During the live streams of the games I and a number of other lads from a forum I post on, went on the WDF stream and all the guys were then banned, except for me. The WDF even posted this to me on the stream, showing how I was getting to them

I managed to avoid a ban until Monday evening, so I used my second you tube account and posted this in the stream


They did not ban me again, and even though I would not report them, the morons should not be leaving themselves open for things like this. I missed most afternoon sessions, as unlike WDF mushrooms who are dolescum, I have a job, so most of the matches I watched on fast forward. How fucking stupid is the WDF, to not only let me know I was getting to them, but to risk having their event taken down off youtube for using copyrighted music they had no intentions of paying for. These cretins are thick as pigshit. So I tested them on the stream, writing things such as
Belgian Jackie was in the toilets giving handjobs for a £1, and how he was doing family group rates of 3 for £2.
I said Ted Hankey had all his teeth removed to give better blowjobs. How he was asked if he wanted a tv in his prison cell to watch the darts and said he would rather eat his own shit.
When someone asked what was Beau averaging, I replied 9 cakes a day.
Victor Monaghan is traveling to America to get a boob job, he is going Trans -Atlantic.

During the Andy Baetens game he was called the Beast from the East, and comms stated Belgium was in West Europe, and they sounded confused why Baetens was using the term East, so I told them on the stream it was because he was from East Flanders, later comms said what I said and claimed they heard from "sources".

The thing that upset the mushrooms the most was me posting actual statistics, mentioning the abysmal averages, that seemed to trigger a lot of them

Also in the stream a guy taking the piss had the name Lionel Messi and the WDF thanked him for his posts. I laughed like the cunt I am at that one.Also in the stream at the same were users with the name Frankie Frazer and Kenny Noye. I wonder if they got thanked ? You could not make this shit up.
One mutant on the stream upset at the piss taking called people "imberseals". That great British education on show once again.

We live on a planet well in excess now of 8 billion people, and the WDF managed to get a whole 8 thousand viewers globally. Work out the percentages of the population that is. Of that 8k watching the vast majority are thick as fuck, afterall they were told  that Victor Monaghan and Dutch Noel Lynn were women and they accepted it. Dart fans are so dumb, look how they were told Peter Wright was Scottish and they bought that. Even worse they were told Parasite Adams was a former world champion and they actually believe that too.The term Mushrooms has never been so apt. Now on to the live unintentional comedy.

It was not until around 5pm on a Saturday I turned this on and, right away there was production issues. There was zero introduction, no panel, zero, and it went right away to the first boring game and during the walk ons there was audio issues and filmed from the back of the grotty hall. Within 5 minutes this was off the scale dismal unprofessional production.
Scott Marsh who is out of his depth even in  Modus won a single leg the absolute jobber. This would set the tone.There was no player interview, no post match commentary, no panel, just a camera at the back of the hall repeating what was done in the first match, shown from the back, audio issues for the music followed by a game where the standard was even worse than game one.
In the third game the Munters darkened my screen and affected my appetite. The first leg was a break of throw in 33 darts...THIRTY FUCKING THREE
The best leg of the entire first leg was a 20 darter. There was only one leg better than that in the whole game, and some Hungrian munter won easily with an average of 61. This was embarrassing for the game. The audacity of those cunts to label this a World Championships is staggering, It was then the fast forward option came in to play. Some Swedish jobber beat an English jobber, even though when he went for single big numbers managed to put darts outside the board.
We were 3 games in and 6 players without an average in the 80s and I could not torture myself any more, no one ever should be that much of a masochist. It was fast forward through entire games,
Game 4 was a repeat of game 3, shit walk ons, shit darts, shit players and another Swedish jobber beat another English jobber. This was deplorable, it was even worse than Modus.Then it was some Yank minger against some Spanish munter that went the whole gruesome distance. Then last up we got 2 more inadequate pub chuckers. This was possibly the worst session of darts I ever had the misfortune to witness in decades of watching the game. It was an embarrassment to the game. The only session that could come close to this happened in the 2022 WDF shit on April 3rd, when again it was 6 matches when all 12 averages were equally as bad if not worse.

The evening session started off with Droopy Richardson, who missed 5 match darts to win 2-0 in sets, but cunt won and we got the first average in the 80s. The fat farmer and PDC tourcard failure Scott Mitchell said Droopy was world class with an 83 average. Bo selecta was up next and in the final leg bust her score twice and then needing a single 16 missed the board,and lost the leg. Meanwhile her opponent on 224 scored 24 and was given a score of 74. Bo Selecta made is 7 straight losses on the piss soaked floorboards of Bob's manky hall.Aletta won with an average of 59.04. Bo Selecta has never even won a set in 7 matches.That always gives not just myself but everyone a great laugh across forums, social media etc.
At this point I stopped taking notes, there was just too many fuck ups to write down as I would be writing for hours.

The standard has been absolutely atrocious.For example on Tuesday, Suzanne Smith throwing for the treble 20 not just missed obviously she nearly hit the number 5 on the outside. It was like a mirror reflection of Thunder Thighs Turner who once started a match going for the T20 and landed outside double 1. The amount of players that missed the big numbers or went outside the board was something else. In another match after the ref called the correct score, the player Barilli proceeded to tell the ref he was wrong, and the ref changed it. Scott Marsh who recently slagged off the so called PDC  boards, claiming huge trebles played on the same winmau boards and averaged 71.11. The player Aletta Wajer going for tops was so far away she hit the camera above the board, and this is the caliber of player that dumped out Bo Selecta Jacklin. Multiple players bust their scores on a finish, one player needing tops hit the treble 20. Moreno Blom needing 116 hit T19,T19 and single one and bust his score.
The lowest average in the entire comp so far was by a man.
Who ever did the spotting needs to be sacked, they obviously cannot count or have no clue of finishes. Liam Maendl-Lawrance who is so slow he makes Justin Pipe seem like Ricky Evans used other players darts for both his games. What other game could a player playing in a supposed World championships not make sure his equipment is a priority.In the game the ref called a score of 45 as 55 as players, refs, spotters, etc were all getting in on the act of fucking up. In between matches as the obese dolescum horsed pints of slop and the copyrighted music was played low for the viewers, the unemployed scum of humanity roared and shouted  and flurries of swear words could be heard. I don't give a fuck about swearing, but I know sure as fuck youtube does, 

Even as pleasing as seeing bo Selecta get dumped out was getting home from the pub and seeing Duff get dumped out, and of the players left I would not begrudge any of them, by my preferences in order would be Klaasen, Landman, Nilsson then Baetens.

By Wednesday afternoon there had been 44 games played at Lakeshite, and 45 games played in Modus.

Lakeshite did not have a single average over 95, whilst modus had 7, which included half a dozen over 100, 3 of them over 105 and a 9 darter.  Modus was a better standard, it is better produced, more professional, better players, even some WDF players play both. At this point some will cry, how modus is shorter games, which proves it is surely harder them to get a 9 darter..

I am more looking forward to the Modus Final on Saturday night than the WDF session, such has been howdeplorable the standard of this Lakeshite has been. 

At this point, there has been 128 averages, and 112 of them have been in the 80s or lower. Obviously no one has even come close to a 100 average. Of the 16 averages in the 90s, Klaasen and Baetens got 6 of them, the only players to average 90 in all 3 games. Gary Stone got 2 but only played 2 games, Nilsson & Plaiser also got 2 each, which goes to prove, a basic low 90s average is good enough to win this comp.

Here are all the averages so far.....grim stuff

 Roll on the Real world championships.

I will make a prediction, the highest average that will be recorded at lakeshite will be beaten  by the time the last 64 of Ally Pally is over.

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