Who else would get KotW this week but the same organisation that has got it this time every year for the last 11 years. Originally it was Barry Hearn but now Twat Porter.
The qualification process for the Grand Slam is the most idiotic shambles of a clusterfuck and this is down to 2 reasons. The first reason was when it first became a ranking comp they were still inviting players in to it. No invitational competition should ever be ranked, and now that the BDO/WDF jobbers have been deprived of  coming cap in hand for a handout that still leaves, the second issue which is the qualification process.

Ross Smith only 2 weeks ago  played in a Players Championship, that consisted of 128 players. A field that included the likes of Cross, Noppert, Wright, Chizzy, Wade etc. He did not win just one or 2 games, he won 7 straight games, hit 5 ton plus averages along the way and I believe a 9 darter. He won the competition, a proper ranking competition, but somehow winning this ranking event is not good enough for him to be in the slam.

Martijn Kleermaker who has done fuckall all year, rocks up to a qualifier, where he wins just 3 games,in a depleted field that has no MvG, Bellyboy, Price,Ando, Wade, Wright, and a slew of the elite, but getting to a last 8 in non ranking comp is enough to qualify for the slam.
How in the blue fuck can Kleermaker be a better representative in the Slam over a player that is not only higher ranked, but won 7 matches on his way to winning a ranking competition. ? This is like BDO mentality.
Radek Saganzski likewise won a ranking Players Championship recently, so we know he is in good form, but instead we get Steve Lennon who also has done fuckall this year, bar scrape through some depleted qualifier.
Not even 3 weeks ago Ryan Joyce beat Price in a ranking final, won the comp that included Humphries, Anderson, Bellyboy, Aspinall. Noppert, Clayton, Cross, Wade etc, but no, we get Nathan Rafferty who wins 3 games in a depleted field instead.

On what planet can Lennon, Kleermaker and Rafferty, be better additions than actual ranking competition winners like Ross Smith, Ryan Joyce and Radek Saganzski ? Surely the whole logic behind the slam is have the winners of PDC competitions, yet here is Twat Porter leaving winners of ranking competitions in favour of jobbers winning just 3 games in a depleted field, as said this is BDO mentality levels of logic.
Fuck the qualifier, Smudger, Joyce, Radek, along with Huybrechts and Rydz should all be in for winning an actual fucking ranking competition this year. Noppert, Searle and Heta also won ranking titles but at least those 3 were successful in getting through this retarded qualifier.
Like I mentioned earlier Ross smith hit 5 ton plus averages on his way to winning a ranking title, not in the slam, Kleermaker qualifies for the Slam after winning just 3 games with 3 averages in the 80s.
Its a fucking joke.

This devalues the whole competition.That said seeing the 3 miserable cunts of Barney, Huybrechts and Gurney miss out will always be a good thing. I was also glad to see the following miss out

Babs who is shit these days thankfully, long may his slide continue
Clemens who is a complete jobber on tv, and even bigger jobber than Schindler
Callan Rydz - I cannot concentrate on any game he is in cos of that fucking ridiculous combover
Simon Shitlock- maybe now the Catweazle fucker might have time for a bath
Scott Waites the scruffy looking geebag, the former winner missing out will upset some mushrooms.
And there is Joe Cullen who misses the event as he could not be bothered entering the qualifier, as to why , I have no idea.


I was asked my opinion on Neil Duff winning some ADC event. I am a huge fan of darts, I watch as much PDC as possible, Keep up with the Challenge tour, Development tour, I watch all the CDC, and even watch some Modus. Fuck it I even tried briefly to watch some munter shit, but ADC , get ta fuck.
I could not give 2 flying fucks about this, Not because Neil Duff won, whoever won it was inconsequential as the whole ADC is completely insignificant. Remember ADC is the same organisation that was once called MAD darts, those morons that had wrestling type belts for their winners. Who in the name of fuck could take these people seriously ?
If these players were any good or even at the very least worth watching they would be in the PDC. I get it you have to start of somewhere but until then I could not give 2 shiny shits.


Their champions week was on this week and watched the first couple of days and was impressed with Harryson who won group A. Outside of Pilgrim, there is no one else in it worth watching. Bialecki is a jobber, as is Grundy, Jim McEwan is like a Scottish Justin Pipe. Sadly West and Whitehead went out, at least might have been worth a watch.

No doubt when it returns again we can get to see the parasite Adams, miserable Rab Thornton, Smug Neil Duff and Pinocchio over and over and over.

I saw this week on a forum a load of sad bastards discussing Beau Greaves sister who had posted a pic of herself on twitter looking like some slapper chav.
Putting aside the dyed hair, false eyelashes, drawn eyebrows, and an orange face that reminded me of furniture finish, all of it not natural, except for the  huge waist, which is hardly a surprise judging by the extra chin, what struck me was how she seems to be jealous of all he attention her sister is getting and craves it herself out of some sort of insecurity. Then I am sure a whole heap of sexually frustrated sad lonely cunts will be looking forward to seeing more of  her tweets. I find it kind of sad she has to piggyback of her sister for the attention. Unlike the WDF I cannot see the PDC allowing her to sit up front when he sister plays in events.


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