I don't think I have ever heard or read as much shit during a competition as I have in the last week. Right out of the gate Teeth McDonald said "welcome to the beautiful city of Wolverhampton"....let that resonate for a moment.
Prior to the Chizzy Bunting game we were told these buzzwords and phrases 'Fully focused', 'fast' , 'full of swagger', 'enjoy the Chizzy show'.
Remember this is the same comp only a few years ago did a promo for Ian White and had in bold letters during the promo "thrives under pressure". There has to be some in joke going on in their promo department.

With Bunting needing 135 in one leg so called expert Dan Dawson said you need the bull to take out 135. Was he in Dean Winstanley's class at school ?
Beau Greaves had a basic 88 average and lost to Stutters Aspinall but the panel spent more time discussing Greaves who lost instead of the winner and then try pretend there is no agenda. Seems losing with an 88 average now constitutes a "fantastic performance". It might be enough to beat a Dutch men who thinks he is a Woman  in the WDF but wont do anything in the PDC.

Doctor Mardle told us how Dirk was injured, the same Mardle who claims darts is a sport. Surely if darts was a professional sport played at an elite level, how come an injured player is competitive ? The useless jobber Mardle was soon back tracking when Dirk went 3-1 up on Ando. Mardle is absolute torture to listen to. He told us Ando was the most inform player in the world, yet he needed a last leg decider to beat an injured player. Go figure.

Comms in yet another example of thinking all viewers are completely ignorant told us most people never heard of Stowe Buntz as he beat Krusty 5-1. The thick cunts tried tell us Buntz because of his colourful attire was the American Peter Wright despite Buntz wearing that attire when Krusty was still English and dressing normally, but why let things like the truth get in the way of comms bullshit.

Pinocchio then spouted absolute bullshit saying Trina Gullivers games were never shown and she only saw highlights growing up, the lies kept coming thick and fast. When the hunchback took out 81 for a break and a 4-1 lead, the stupid cunt Pyke sounded suicidal. Can someone tell me what imaginary glass ceilings she has broken ? Never won a World title, never won a tour card, despite multiple attempts at both. Hunchback sure as hell shut comms up pretty quick.
The level of the munter game is as close to the Mens as it was 40 years ago in the day of Maureen Flowers and no preferential treatment, biased commentary by the likes of Pyke and Murphy will alter that indisputable fact. Women won odd games against the men numerous times throughout the years, be it Deta, Anastasia, Trina, but the gulf will never be closed in my lifetime, if you believe otherwise you are seriously brainwashed. Greaves is the exception not the rule.

The following day the 2 first day losers of Pietrekczko and Greaves were scheduled to play and Thunder Thighs announced this was the "big tie of the afternoon", when one if not both were exiting the competition. This was a session that had Heta against Aspinall, Price and other major winners on show. Of course in keeping with the brainwashing agenda that useless prick Pyke was on comms with Mardle, what a shock. The mongs in the crowd were your typical pissed up Brit chavs who booed the foreigner and Pietreczcko was not happy, maybe he might understand how his own German fans treat the foreigners when the euro tour is on in his country. Then PDC crowds have been a disgrace for many years and the inbred mutants that populate the dump known as Wolverhampton would hardly be any different. The 2 cunts of Mardle and Pyke refused to even acknowledge the crowd  which tarnished Greaves win and showed how little those 2 pricks respect the viewer. Instead of people discussing her win, the news was more about the crowd.
On the topic of Greaves, Heta the fucking cabbage got upset over Aspinalls comments and starting crying and replied to this tweet


Don't look for the thread, as the whiny prick deleted it, after numerous people pointed out Asp is right, and unlike Heta, Asp has won majors, Heta hasn't. I reckon when that fact was pointed out he deleted the tweet.Still a least Heta is still in and Aspinall is out, so guess he had the last laugh.
When Pinocchio took the first leg against Kleermaker comms were loud and when Kleermaker then held they were barely audible.You could hear the sigh of relief when Kleermaker missed double 11 for a 142 and a break. Off went the audio, it was so biased it was sickening.It was a awful standard that went all 9 legs with both missing match darts, but not as bad as the game of Wade and Girvan which was atrocious.
Chizzy who was hyped throughout the weekend went out despite having the throw to win a last leg decider against Wright. he is the modern Terry Jenkins.
Comms in their absolute ignorance yet again told us after Buntz beat Bunting on the Sunday that no one expected this, no one. This sort of bullshit irritates me when there were plenty of people who predicted him to do well, people on twitter, one of the lads from live darts, and a few on forums, and for comms to make an idiotic claim that because they got it wrong everyone else must have also.

On the Monday Mardle again showed his complete ignorance when asked why Clayton had a loss of form and said he does not know why. Maybe the fact his father died recently you ignorant prick had an effect.
Comms told us that Josh Rock is one of the top 16 players in the world on terms of form, despite never winning a major, and prior to this event he had not won a game on tv in the entire year. Do they really think people believe the shit they spout ?
Ryan Searle qualified for the last 16 by hitting a 9 darter to win his game against Rafferty in a night of 8 one sided matches.
Remember when the comms told us last year when Bellyboy won the World championships that the "floodgates would open" ? Bellyboy has won nothing since, in fact has gotten worse and his defense of the Grand slam was pitiful as Wade not only battered him and sent him out, Wade topped the group.

Comms told us on Monday night that Clayton against Dobey was the last of the group games in the slam, except it was not, there was another 8 to come on Tuesday.
By Tuesday I was so sick of comms I had the session on mute, but when Cross led 2-1 against Sherrock turned it on just to hear comms make excuses, when Cross went 3-1 up they were almost silent as Pinocchio's then 83 average was not cutting it. The asshole Rod Studd and the stupid cunt Turner sounded suicidal. I was delighted she was gone, not because I dislike her, but despised the hype, lies, sucking up and favourtism by Sky and the PDC. With her gone maybe Sky could concentrate on the real best female player on the planet, a female player that won a world championships. I wanted Beau to beat Heta, sick of that cabbage and his retarded walk ons, and despite Beau leading 3-1, the cabbage took out 164, and 130 in the leg after, and even survived a match dart that Beau sadly missed.

Now that both the women were gone, comms could stop being biased right ? Wrong. As soon as it started on Wednesday the bias for certain players started again, his time for Josh Rock basically ignoring anything Ratajski did.
Mardle who once ratted Wade out to the DRA for swearing on TV despite the audio being off, was asked if Wade was the best player to never win a world title and Mardle always envious of Wade proceeded to say no and claimed Mike Gregory who won fuck all in his miserable career and was a fucking Judas back stabbing cunt without a spinal column was agenda there either I suppose. To be fair the 4 matches on Wednesday night were all an entertaining watch
The following night another Sky favorite Bunting the world #22 was given a promo before his match, yet the World #7 who unlike Bunting won trophies in the PDC was given no promo....again the agenda plain for everyone to see.
We were told yet again that no one had heard of Buntz before this event just because the ignorant and uneducated comms never heard of him and lacked the intelligence to do research on the players taking part in the event. Buntz and Gilding, Bunting & Jobbert were atrocious games that were an awful watch. In the battle of the mongos Cabbage Heta and his 91 average was too much for Hunchback MvG, in fact Honeymonster Greaves gave Heta a tougher game.
On Friday the comms bias towards Josh Rock was nauseating, comms told us that Wade who was averaging 96 was playing his "A-game" and no player can play their A game for the best of 31 legs, This is the levels of ignorance they spout. Then we were subjected to a Bellyboy promo during the interval.....why ? Fat cunt was long dumped out. Whilst rock dominated the game in maximums, and seemed the better player Wade came from 15-11 down, and the Northern Ireland player that comms rimmed throughout learned the true meaning to "No Surrender. It was an absolute belter of a game, and showed why Wade has been the third most successful player in PDC history. Wade averaged 6 points lower than Rock who averaged over 101. Sadly Scumphries beat Ando in another brilliant encounter after Scumphries leading 13-11 Ando held and broke with a 131 and held again to lead 14 -13 and another exciting finish. At 14-14 Ando fucked up and Scumphries broke and threw for the win and wrapped it up with his 3rd match dart, the odious cunt.
Who would have thought the 2 best sessions in the entire comp which were Wednesday and Friday would both involve Wade and Ando, it was like darts a decade ago. In the unlikely event that Wade beats Humphries again like he did in the last TV comp I reckon asshole Mardle will be suicidal.


Does anyone in their right mind think I would be watching this shit when the PDC is on TV ? I have no idea of how the Modus jobbers got on and could not give a fuck. I did read the WDF got some sponsor I have never heard off, probably tossing the WDF 20 quid.

Lastly take a look at this mentally stunted cunts typical of so many brainwashed simpletons who get upset at actual stats and are incapable of understanding what is written in the tweet. They see only what they want to see regardless of what is written. Like this inbred.

Or worse again , simpletons posting wrong facts like this genetic experiment

He forgot to mention Gary Mawson. Then this is the same defect who in reply to a tweet of mine about Rob Cross not being liked on a forum for drinking too much water said he doubted the water Cross drank was water.

or finally this dicksplash supping the PDC kool aid, guess players like Luke Littler don't count.

 I should have said enough this week for those obsessed with me to have a cry about, maybe they can cry about some spelling errors, I am sure they will find something whilst convincing others they are not bothered

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