The award this week goes to Twat Porter for his kiss ass crawling and pretense of supporting Trans people, not because he truly believes in it, but because it is now fashionable for companies to act this way. I know right now some intellectually stunted morons are probably wetting themselves at the thought of banding about some transphobe comment around. Ever notice those people who get upset the most over labeling people have no problem throwing them around when its something they do not like ?

I could not care if the PDC fly Trans flags, my issue is this same twat Porter who also in the past sucked up to the gay community with their rainbow laces has no problem going to Muslim countries, like Bahrain and United Arab Emirates and taking their money. The absolute hypocrisy of this cunt.

For example, the cornholing caller Huw Ware would get the death penalty in Dubai for his bumming activities. That biological male that plays in the Munter series would also be breaking the law in Dubai. In fact even discussing homosexuality, or Trans issues is strictly forbidden. As for Bahrain, no gay marriage allowed there.
If twat Porter truly believes in the shit he spouted, lets see him fly the Trans flag in Bahain when he gets out there, promote the Rainbow laces mantra out there as well, but we all now he wont, because like Martin Adams he lacks a spinal column, is a proven liar, and will do and say anything for a handout. He truly sickens me.

Contact the PDC and Twat Porter, ask them will they be promoting the Trans issue in Bahrain and see what responses you get. Even biological women are treated like dirt in these camel jockey countries. If you are going to pretend to care then do it properly or don't do it it all you snivelling cunt.


Remember after the last World Championships, comms told us after the obese and petulant Bellyboy won the title that "the floodgates would open". Since then he has won absolutely nothing of note. In fact he has gotten worse. Tonight the lard arse oxygen thief bounced out with an 85 average to a guy with a perm.
On the topic of hairdo's or should I say hairdon't, did ye see the fucking state of Callan Wygz tonight.It is impossible to concentrate on any game with him as it is all you can focus on. His family must truly despise him to not tell him how utterly ridiculous he looks. Has he no genuine friends to put him right ?
Scumphries got lucky tonight, as Butterbean Lukeman missed crucial darts to break in crucial legs.
Former Bob Potter Cup winner, goldfish mouth Christian Kist set a new record, by hitting the lowest average ever in the history of this event with an average of 68.08. Mind you, he would be competitive in modus with stats like that, if this weeks modus was anything to go by.
Seeing the 2 most miserable cunts in the PDC go out first round is always a plus. I refer to Barney adn Gurney obviously, they certainly will not be missed.
64 players played on Friday, and who had the highest average ? James Wade, yes the same Wade the PDC who have you believe never really averages over 100.  So what do they do with the player who averaged the highest,and reached the final of the European champs, and a semi final of the Slam ? Stick him on board 2 for Saturday, whilst Twat Porter panders to those players in his little clique as usual. Last week I spoke how Cross, Smudger and Wade are not in said click. Only reason Smudger is on board one is because he plays hunchback MvG. Cabbage Heta and Doets was chosen for board one over the likes of Searle and Pietreczko. I dont care who wins this comp in general once it is not Scumphries.

On a forum I saw a post where some guy, who sadly is allowed vote, operate machinery and spawn future mentally crippled offspring claim Martin Parasite Adams was better than MvG because both had 3 World titles but the bearded beggar won 3 masters so he was better than MvG. That is like saying Northern Ireland football club Glentoran is better than Man city cos they have more league titles, only someone who had a lobotomy would consider a Bob Potter trophy a world title.The same applies to that WDF shit.

I watched zero Modus this week, why would anyone with the line up they had. Read some tweets how some players won with averages in the 60s.The big news from Modus was the news 3 players were suspended pending some investigating in to match fixing. When I first saw it I automatically thought, how come they did not look at parasite Adams against Barney at the time which was highly suspect. The 3 players are Jack Main, Prakash Jiwa and Andy Jenkins.
Jiwa was due to play at Ally Pally. The funniest part of all of this is it made some newspapers, the only time that Modus shit ever made the sport sections. I hope they are guilty, if only for to see Scooty Eye Jenkins banned for life.

I know a lad here in Cork who owns a language school in the city, and he once told me the majority of the foreign students that attend his school to learn English  chose Ireland over England because the standard of English in Ireland is better than what it is generally in England. Take a look at this tweet.

I think I covered enough things this week to upset and annoy all those people who moan constantly about this blog, but will always read it.

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