This week the award goes to Nathan Aspinall for his dismal performances in the players Championships.  After 28 of the 30 players champs, he lies 92nd in the rankings. On Wednesday and Thursday, where even a first round win can get you 750 quid, he manage to go out first round both days, and hen compound it by pulling out of Friday's event. I do not even know if he has resigned himself to the fact he might not qualify as he stands 4,750 behind, and that is providing those in 64th do not pick up any more money. True he defends only a first round defeat, but this is not an event he choose to not participate in , like Gary Anderson in the euro tours for example, Asp has attended many events and bombed first round on a regular basis to players who will always be ranked below him as he was a seeded player

To put things in to perspective. If a player won just one solitary game in a players champs,and did that for the whole year that would be 750 quid by 30, over 2 years, that would be £45k over 2 years, plus the prize money for both PC finals which would be another 5k minimum. That 50k alone might be enough to keep a tour card without any other events.

Krusty Peter Wright was not much better prior to his weeks events, prior to Wednesday he lay in 90th spot a total of £4k behind, but now up to 74th and only 1.5k behind with 3 events to go. Chizzy the #1 seed continued to show why he is one of the most inconsistent players with 3 early exits. The biggest upsets was the last 4 of Fridays players champs. Admittedly with no MvG. Price, Dirk etc, there was still a quality field, and well done to Mick Polak who won the event, and took some great scalps along the way including in form players Ryan Joyce who won the event a day earlier, Pietrczko who won the last Euro tour, and top players Johnny Clayton and Babs van den Bergh


The levels of ignorance and lack of understanding of basic English amongst English speaking Dart fans never fails to surprise me. Last weekend I posted this on twitter, and right away some uneducated simpletons unhappy with factual statistics interpreted this data as some form of hatred and thus showed their own levels of ignorance and inability to decipher the point.

I got the usual but she won this and that, as if this somehow negates the point of my tweet which was to highlight her level and shed light on yet another of the outlandish blatant lies that the PDC and Sky comms try bullshit the average fan with.
We were told numerous lies during multiple competitions in regards to Fallon Sherrock, from Dan Dawson and others how she was the best female player in the world breaking through some imaginary glass ceilings. I do not blame Sherrock for this but blame the PDC and Sky for that blatant lie, when it is quiet clear Beau Greaves is a vastly superior player, who has actually won a women's world title, and is miles ahead in the Munter series.
The second lie we were also told, again by Dawson and others was how she hits 90 plus averages on a regular basis. My tweet with the stats shows that too is also a lie and the truth is she has hit more averages in the 60s and 70s than she has hit 90 plus averages. Yes she is winning events,and can only beat what is in front of her but she is winning against women throwing another level or two below hers, and the wins she gets do not alter the levels of play.
Sherrock herself said in an interview last year how the male players always seem to bring their best game against her, which was proven then to also be a lie at the time. I get Sky and the PDC wanting to hype her, generate more interest in the women's game, tap in to new fans, etc, not only is that understandable, it is to be expected but when comms are outright bullshitting people and gullible morons are lapping that agenda up is where I have an issue. Last weekend Chris Murphy was so far up her hole that when Sherrock opened her mouth to speak I could almost see Murphy's eyes in her mouth, and the uneducated and ignorant somehow think because of my issue with the lies being spewed,and the favoritism shown to her etc somehow constitutes me hating the girl herself.
To give you a clear example of the blatant bias, last Monday morning the main page of the PDC website was about Sherrock qualifying for the Grand slam, when the front page should have been about the young German kid winning the German Darts championships where he beat multiple former world champions in front of his home fans where not just them but the German commentary team were going mental. I watched it with the German commentary on a channel on kick. It was a fairy tale type of story for the kid, for me this was far more worthy of their top news. It was not just the PDC either,as that obese suck up cunt Hippo Barrs on his youtube show on Monday considered the munter series the top story also. If you really believe Pinocchio beating a load of other munters which was expected as more important than the euro tour then you are either a moron, or brainwashed, or both.


Last week I spoke how Keith Deller cannot help himself and had to involve himself when Luke Humphries won the Grand Prix with a 138 checkout. Last weekend Dan Dawson posted this obviously in an attempt to bait Deller, and sure enough Deller the guy who destroyed Adrian Lewis's career by whoring him out on North Sea ferries for 2 bit exbos fell for it hook line and sinker. He got played.


Toon Greebe passed away last Monday, that poor bastard had no luck, only 35 years old. Was bad enough he was stuck in the old BDO, but had to have one of his feet amputated around 2017. He even returned to darts and won the Polish Open in 2019. He played in the PDC World Championships twice, losing in 2008 to Peter Manley and losing to John Part in 2010, both in the last 64.

I saw a lot of idiots moaning over George Killington and how he reacted last weekend to Scott Waites 9 darter, with some crying because he showed no respect to Waites. I thought Killington did the right thing, fuck congratulating your opponent for winning a leg against you during the game, do it when the game is over,  Would a goalkeeper in football congratulate the striker on an opposing team for scoring a wonder goal against him during the game ? Killingtons concern and rightly so was to keep his own concentration and getting the win, which is what it is all about.

Anyhow, off to finish off watching the Continental Cup from the CDC. so will leave ye with this pic. 

Might do a series of these.

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