Take a look at this when Jacquie asks Chris Mason who he thinks will win the European Championships and the knob proceeds to pck a player who was not good enough to even qualify and was not even in the event. 

This is indicative of the general standard throughout in darts in the last few years. Obviously there are a minor few exceptions to the rule, like John Part and Mark Webster, and its not that both are great, its that the others are so awful they automatically seem better by comparison. There are 3 groups, those that have no fucking clue, those like Mardle, then there are the ass kissers like Dawson, Pyke, Murphy etc and then there are the munters , hired only because of their gender and not their experience or ability or basic knowledge. Some on comms fall in to 2 categories , some 3.

For example its like every player who is under 24, is being touted as a future world champion, every kid is hyped non stop. This has gone on for years, we were told by Rod Harrington that James Hubbard, Arron Monk, Max Hopp etc were future world champions, currently its Josh  Rock. There can only be one World Champion per year, it does not take a mathematician to work out even without the likes of MvG, Price, Bellyboy etc, all these kids cannot win a world title. Next year Luke Littler will get added to the list of Josh Rock , Pietreczko, Van Veen etc. All have talent and ability, but as someone who has watched darts since the days of Bristow, I know for every hyped kid that does go on to make it, there will ten others at least for that one player that will fail at some point.

If there is general animosity between players, like MvG and Klaasen, Kim Huybrechts and Babs van den Bergh for example it is kept generally quiet, and instead you get cunts like Mardle try hype imaginary needle which is basically treating viewers like idiots. Don't even get me started on the woke shit and rimming of the munter's game, and their standard which is absolute shit in comparison to the Men's game, and how they have even conditioned some people in to thinking this shit would sell tickets. Why do you think even the BDO stuck their munter events in with the Men.s, like the PDC did with their munter's Matchplay, to piggyback of the Men's game. 

There is no way the PDC would host that munters Matchplay all on its own, no one would buy tickets for that outside the family and partners of the players. Even piggy backing of the Men's event this year the hall was almost deserted, you only had to look at the paltry crowd.



Last week I mentioned how he withdrew from 2 players championships, and would most likely not be at the Players championships finals, turns out Thursday before last, he resigned himself to the fact he would not qualify, pulled out of the following 2 events, and then not entered the final 2 events either.  Here is a top ten player who was only 4k away from qualifying, withdrawing from 4 events where there was 48k on offer. That tells me he had no fate in his own ability. Its all well and good being a better TV player, more money, but when you start to miss tv events it  becomes more important how you do on the floor, as eventually that catches up on players.


After the first round, 8 of the worlds top 16 were gone after the first round. Prior to the event I predicted on a forum that Chizzy,and Clemens would go out early for the simple reason there would be TV cameras in the arena, and their history of choking. Chizzy managed a mere 2 legs against Dobey, Peter Wright did put in an incredible leg scoring 441 in 8 darts to win in the decider, but did anyone really think the German jobber would win ? Clayton went out and has been shit, but  understandable after his recent personal issues. I took delight in seeing the miserable cunt Barney get turfed out, always a pleasure to witness.

 The reigning Champion Ross Smith made it 6 years on the trot that the reigning champion went out first round the following year.Keep your Schindler, Hopp , Clemens, this Pietreczko looks like Germany's best hope in a while. Wade versus Duijvenbode was an atrocious standard, but always felt Wade knew he was never in danger, and was quite happy to plod on and take the win. Dirk is fast becoming another Chizzy, always finding a way to lose in front of the cameras. Hunchback MvG got lucky against Razma as usual. I saw the PDC posted their official highlights of tonight's action, and somehow Van Veen battering the window licking cabbage Heta and having an average over 107 was not worthy of inclusion....go figure.


To the surprise of no one these cretins invited back yet again Pinocchio, Spineless Adams and Rab Thornton. All they were short was Neil Duff for the full package of favourites. Its because they all constantly fail is why they keep getting to come back to fail yet again. That parasite Adams got his arse handed all week, and not only was destroyed in the main group, he ended up in group c, the complete losers group and still failed to qualify. Pinocchio also failed to get out of group A but ended up in group B where 3 of the 5 players wold qualify, and she failed to get out of that group. After weeks of absolute shit in this modus, the one time there is a half decent group was on Thursday with West,, Thornton, Lauby etc, they have it when the PDC have darts on ITV, how idiotic is that ? Who is gonna watch when the PDC is on ? You would think they would have had their better players on during the day at the start of the week instead of watching complete jobbers.


This was posted on their facebook group.  Another announcement of an announcement, you could not make this shit up

turns out the big news was their Cyprus Open, yes Cyprus, seemingly its part of the British Darts Organisation is moving to some better hotel. Maybe Bo Selecta thinks moving it to a better hotel might mean less Turkish people attending, we all know how that racist feels about Turkish people from her past comments. On the topic of  Bo Selecta,, it was not me who edited her wikipedia page, but suspect some reader of this blog is responsible.


Just to point out the staggering hypocrisy of this fat cunt. For weeks he has cried about the PDC holding midweek players championships pretending he cares about these lower ranked players and their chances of attending all events, wanting more for this hard up players etc.

This week he suggested the non ranking Masters , where the top 16 in the world play should now be a ranking comp because otherwise it would make it meaningless. He now wants the top 16 who are already scooping up the vast majority of all PDC prizemoney to get even more chances to widen the gap on those lower ranked players, if anything that would piss off the lower ranked players more.

For the record all non ranking exbos be it televised or not are meaningless , except for the handy cash for those fortunate to reach the stages where the money is good., and the Masters is no exception especially now its after the PL starts, just like the World Series finals it is a nothing event, something to watch til the proper events return.

lastly, another Picard pic


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