
  KNOB OF THE WEEK Not even a week after this twat tried to convince people alcohol was not an integral part of darts, he doubled down on his predictability and showed yet again the favouritsim  towards certain players in the selection for the Glorified Invitation Roadshow also known as the Premier League. Even before the selection was made we all knew the line up and even predicted it before the announcement So back in 2021 Rob Cross won the European championships, and whilst not one of the big top 4 majors, it was still a TV title, and a ranking one at that, but it was deemed not important enough for it to get Cross selected for the Premier League, that would follow only a couple of months later. The following year in 2022 Ross Smith won the same European Championships and again it was deemed not important enough for Smudger to be selected for the  Premier League.  In 2023 Peter Wright did noting all year, bombed out early in the world Champs throwing absolute muck with multiple set
 KNOB OF THE WEEK The award this week was initially going to be that prick Twat Porter but he was pipped at the post..step forward the former World champion, here is a guy who has done nothing of note in 12 months.Remember the same guy that was hyped for OVER A DECADE, before he finally won a tv title. When he won the Worlds that lump of human shit wrapped in skin Wayne Mardle told us how the floodgates would open. The fat cunt has done nothing of note this year, he has in fact regressed, and blames everyone else for his failings, an even if he wins an odd game he still has an issue with his opponent. As a former World Champion has there ever been a worse defending Champion ? He did not just lose defending his title, he got raped 4-0. The only player I can think of that could possibly come close is John Part back in 2008, and even then they had prime Taylor, Barney and Wade and less TV titles than they do now and spent most of his time traveling home to Canada The Bellyboy supporters c
 KNOB OF THE WEEK In the decades I have been watching the game I never have seen such a bunch of softer cunts in my life than not only the players, but the so called journalists, I say so called as how many of them actually have a journalism degree or studied it in college, ? Basically glorified fan boys sucking up to the most mentally frail players to even dilute the game at the top end. This week we had the little short mentally fragile taffy whiner Price bemoan the fans yet again and claim he was going to boycott the world championships. Remember this is a player who won the bulk of his TV titles in empty arenas during covid and takes to instagram to cry the minute he leaves the stage after a defeat. I am convinced he believes if he makes the idle threats he thinks fans will get worried and suddenly cheer him like he was using some emotional blackmail. I like him as a player, but he can fuck off for all I care if he is doing his little spoiled brat and hurt feelings routine. The pro
  KNOB OF THE WEEK The WDF  hilariously entitled "World championships"  was a complete dismal affair, how this org can call this a World championships is a complete joke an an embarrassment to the game. I tweeted this tonight But this was not a surprise to most people as I asked almost a week ago on twitter how long it would take for the highest average at Bobs Salmonella Center to be beaten. In the poll  gave 3 options not realizing the first day only had one session, and of the time of writing almost 93% off those that voted  believed the highest Lakeshite average, which was 97 which was gotten by Dennis Nilsson would be beaten in the first day Poll Here: POLL  That said congratulations Andy Baetens a player ranked #176 in the PDC on winning the December Debacle, who now heads to Q-school. The Mushrooms will be sweating, cos if the WDF winner fails to get a card I will laugh and be sure to remind them on a regular basis. ---------------------------  It never ceases to amaze
DETA HEDMANS COMMENTS     For many months I've struggled with Transgenders playing in the Women's world ranked events . For years since the late 1980's myself and others fought to get better recognition for women's darts and having our own World Championships with little success , nearest we got was 1995 when the then BDO allowed 10 women to enter the Embassy world play offs , one of the reasons I packed up in 1997 was I felt little future for the ladies , it wasnt until Trina Gulliver accepted an invitation to appear in the PDC World Championships that the BDO decided to hold a ladies championship, the first event featured just 4 ladies , which rose to 8 until 2014 when it went up to 16 ladies , I believe it was 2013 when the winner went up to £10,000 but the runner up was £2,000. At its peak it was 12k and 5K runner up . To get to this level was an effort and we fought for every single gain we got ! We got the format raised to 5 sets , I remember the Final with Lisa
  KNOB OF THE WEEK No surprise the WDF wins Knob of the Week, but here is the thing, its not for the reasons people think it is. Former multiple Womens champion Anastasia Dobromyslova was banned from entering WDF competitions and qualifying for this clusterfuck of an event. The reason given for her unfair ban was because she was Russian,as somehow Russia are evil, yet the Ukranian cunt Zelensky just bought a £75 million yacht, and has his grubby hand out begging other nations whilst their male population, without a set of balls all decided to fuck off to Ireland and rape the social welfare system instead of fighting. Anastasia being Russian was unfairly punished bcause of the actions of Putin, yet Anastasia has been living and working in the UK for many many years. It is quite straight forward, in the WDF there is a Mens game and a Womens game. Biological men should be in the...wait for it...Mens game. Yet  a man was allowed play in the Womens events and qualified for the clusterfuck e